Adam Hott currently lives in Lisbon, Portugal. He attended Illinois Wesleyan University and studied Finance and Marketing. After graduating, Adam was first exposed to computer science and programming while working with financial data feeds from global financial exchanges like the New York Stock Exchange.

    During that time, he fostered relationships with the computer programmers there who helped him and encouraged him to study technology and computer programming.  After the Great Recession of 2008, Adam pivoted his career from finance to technology.

Adam Hott

    Adam then enjoyed a long career in software sales and software engineering. He sold Software as a Service (SaaS) for many years in California. He has worked as a web developer for an online marketing and advertising agency. He has also worked as a full-stack developer for the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, where he maintained websites, databases, and back-end systems.

    He currently works with Embedded Systems, Mechanical Engineering, Robotics, AI, and Cloud. He is always interested to discuss new projects.

    He is a published author. His book can be found on Amazon and delivered to Kindle devices and the Amazon Kindle App. The Amazon Kindle App can be found on the Apple AppStore, Google Play, and it is also available as a download for Mac and PC.

Book cover image for Codey the Toad's Computer Game Adventure

    He enjoys spending time with his wife Natássia and daughter Sophia. In his free-time, he creates music, artwork, and studies the Portuguese language.